S.S. OrionThe plaque reads ...
S. S. Orion. TSM 88. 07.05.1908 The steamship Orion was built at Devonport in 1900 by Harry Wood for William Holyman & Sons. She was a wooden vessel of 214 tons gross/114 tons net, was 123 feet long and was used in the North-West Coast to Melbourne trade.
When she failed to arrive in Melbourne by May 11th , a search was instigated in the King Island region and along the Victorian coastline but without success. Over the next few months wreckage was found in the Furneaux Group including 4 lifebuoys and an alleyway door west of Long Island, a life boat near Trousers Point, Flinders Island , and items near Goose Island . It was presumed that the Orion had foundered with the loss of all 27 souls aboard in the prevailing heavy westerly to south-westerly gales due to unknown causes although a subsequent inquiry considered that over loading with cargo, an estimated 42 tons of which was said to have been stored on deck, would have played a major role in the vessel's disappearance. S.S. Orion Crew (12) Captain: Arthur Lloyd of Hobart Passengers (15) From Stanley : (8 known passengers): SS Orion at Stanley 1908 Mrs. Robert Stewart/Stuart of Muddy Creek, Duck River , late of Victoria , & 2 little children; From Smithton: (4 known passengers): 2 unknown passengers. From ‘Tasmanian Shipwrecks' Vol. 2 by Graham Broxham & Michael Nash