Tasmanian Seafarers' Memorial
Established in 1997
Triabunna - on Tasmania's East Coast
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FV Bernadette (1964)
The plaque reads ...
Built by J. Jones, Triabunna in 1947.
Left Apollo Bay, Vic. March 1964 for
near Reid's Rock, S.E. of King Is.
to catch crayfish for Easter market.
28.03.64 wreckage found Coloumb Bay
Three Hummock Is. Souls lost were
Master Sholto Gordon Douglas (45)
John Trevar (35), John Warren (16)

The fishing vessel Bernadette was built by Jim Jones,
Triabunna in 1947 as the Minnamurra for Keith and Neil Parker.
Subsequently the vessel was sold and renamed. In early March 1964, the Bernadette left Apollo Bay, Victoria
on a crayfishing trip to an area around Reid's Rock, south-east of King
Island with three crew members, the master, Sholto Gordon Douglas (45),
John Trevar (35), and John Warren (16).
They were expected to return in time to catch the Easter market, but
failed to return by Good Friday, the 27th March. Fears began to be held
for their safety. Nothing had been heard from the crew since a radio conversation
with another boat about mid-March. After a day long search by several
fishing boats and aerial sweeps by two aircraft no trace of the men was
ever found.
On March 28th, wreckage of the stern of a wrecked fishing boat believed
to be the Bernadette was found in the sand at Coulomb Bay by
the son of the lessee of Three Hummock Island. The wreckage was taken
to Hobart where it was formally identified as of the Bernadette.
